SCAM deletes threads that expose fraudulent psychics
As I stated on the first blog on this site, a friend of mine has been defrauded by a so-called psychic on, a service for people seeking the assistance of psychics.Bitwine also has a forum http:// with a section "Ask a Psychic!"
Yishai did post into this forum the account of what transpired with an alleged psychic calling herself Scarlett Whitts who has extorted US$157.30 from Yishai and has attempted to extort a further $6226 from him. However, although other psychics and customers were appalled at the treatment of Yishai and other customers had reported similar occurrences, bitwine has deleted or suppressed from view the entire thread.
Yishai had taken screenshots and details of most of this so I am glad to be able to reproduce what he has here. There were further comments that Yishai had not since captured that only bitwine will have a record for.
However, the point is that seems to be supporting fraudulent charlatans but covering up their fraud.
Yishai has told me that he is also unable to leave any review for that psychic. This means that if any customers to bitwine come to the site, the reviews are useless as only positive reviews will show, and perhaps a few of the negative reviews that are not too bad to make the site appear honest.
I am not sure whether some psychics are true or not, but to my mind it means STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM BITWINE.COM.
I had seen the thread that Yishai had posted on. It WAS here but no longer!
The socalled psychic could not have removed this, it must have been bitwine. Honestly I wanted to start posting this earlier, but was in two minds, so was holding off. When Yishai told me tonight that bitwine had deleted the thread, the money still had not been refunded, and he still could not leave a review I KNEW I had to do this.

I have asked Yishai for information on this case and he has given me full permission to use anything he has provided, so I am going to start for him by providing the information of the thread that has deleted, conveniently deleted for them if they are part of the fraud.
On behalf of a very genuine and honest and one of the most loving and helpful people I know, Yishai, I would like to make it now INCONVENIENT for the CHARLATANS.
The charlatan Love Therapist (psychicwhitts) profile is captured in this screenshot. It seems that the photo is fake and the account is run by multiple people (dare I say this crime appears "organised") as Yishai has voice recordings of people that are extremely different, both professing to be Scarlett Whitts.

As is evident in this photo, to anyone going onto the Online Psychic Network of, it would APPEAR that Love Therapist (psychicwhitts) is a good choice with Five Stars and 239 Reviews. I know Yishai enough to know that if he is anything, it is honest. Not only that but he insisted on screen sharing with me so that I would have no doubt that everything he said was true. It was not necessary for me that he went that far, however, now that I write this blog, I am glad that he did so I can share this with readers and hopefully prevent some further victims.
Yishai showed me in real time attempting to submit a review so I can show you this to you with confidence:

Although the amount here shows US$10, the "advisor" charged Yishai the bulk amount of US$147.30 directly through paypal.
Interestingly, although this was done and contravenes' "advisor/pschic/reader" rules, the advisor remains on and the thread of Yishai has been deleted. Suspicious?
When he tries to leave a review, and I saw him try with my own eyes, he gets from the "error":
"Sorry, you cannot leave a review at this time" as shown below.

He has submitted help requests to bitwine but so far they have been unhelpful in allowing him to leave a review.
In the deleted thread an advisor, likely innocent, perhaps even a legitimate psychic, by the name of "fairy.wisdom" told Yishai:
"An Advisor can block you making it so that you can’t provide a review or even contact them directly through Bitwine again."Subsequent to the comments of Jamey which I refer to later, fairy.wisdom replied:
So we have a "reader" that was advised that blocking a client prevents them from leaving feedback. We have a client that has experienced a restriction in leaving feedback. And you will see we then have a "senior" representative of bitwine insisting that blocking a client does not prevent leaving feedback.That’s interesting, Jamey. I was told that once someone was blocked it prevented reviews as well, so maybe I was misinformed. I’ve only ever blocked one client, so I haven’t faced that firsthand. Thanks for clarification!
Certainly, as a third party reviewing this I would put my money on blocking a client does certainly prevent them from leaving feedback.
Two "psychics" then proceeded to respond that it was not possible for a reader to block a client from leaving a review. Interestingly does not show any stats of total number of readings, so looking at a profile means that a potential client is unable to see if there are a low ration of reviews to "readings".
Robin - bluedragon 132271 who initially said that an advisor cannot change reviews and in a later response added to that, saying they also could not prevent a user from leaving feedback. His profile is:
The next person to respond was "Jamey" who I have since written about in this post:
This is the one Yishai revealed to me he is suspicious having a hand in the deletion of the thread prior to my researching and writing the above article.
Jamey's profile is
I dont know about you, but as soon as I saw her profile, her picture gave me the creeps. I doubt the scammers would normally use their real pictures, but of course it is not impossible, and it would certainly fit with the leaks blog I wrote on her.
I would be interested to hear if any other readers have the same instincts regarding her profile picture.

Jamey advised the following in the deleted thread:
Yishai has archived the two pages of the thread at some stage so I provide them here. I dont think there is any way to 'fake' what this archive thing does!Just want to clear something up, there is no way we can block someone from leaving a review. Even if we block a client, they can still leave a review after spending at least $5 and they have 14 days to do so. My guess is that the OP went into the chat unregistered. If that is the case, once you close the chat window, there is no way to go back and review.
I would suggest contacting bitwine support. Once an advisor tries getting you to pay off of the site they our going against the TOS and bitwine will get involved.
The only thing blocking them does is prevents them from contacting you in chat, nothing else.
Page 1 - "Psychic" Fraud. Unable to leave review
Page 2 - "Psychic" Fraud. Unable to leave review There are apparently numerous screenshots of these pages, and every other communication Yishai had with this "advisor", but I am still waiting on these to come through from him. Once I have them I will post relevant portions of these also!
If you want to leave anything for Yishai, leave comments below and I will gladly relay them to him.
He also advises that there were some subsequent posts to those archived above, however, it seems these were made after the archive process so are lost with the bitwine "thread delete button".
I think is a complete scam from what I see. Time will tell, however, at this time I would be happy for them to be shut down. At the least others can be warned.
May Yishai be in your prayers. Its likely to do much more good than anything fake psychics can do.
Please comment below any of your thoughts and experiences, especially with or any of the advisors on there.
As Yishai would say to me, I say to you, Shalom!

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